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Christine Gonzales

Assignment: Ch.16 Code of Ethics

CRN 10061

July 12, 2009


The Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics


            The Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics was adopted in 1996 and freely accepted by writers, editors, and other news professionals.  This code is the guideline to how journalists should serve the public.  It is divided into five sections: the Preamble, Seek Truth and Report It, Minimize Harm, Act Independently, and Be Accountable.  The preamble introduces the beliefs of a professional journalist, their specific duties, their promise to do their job properly.  Each section, not including the Preamble, presents a statement of what the entire section is about and lists the responsibilities of a professional journalist.  In the ‘Seek Truth and Report It’ section, journalists are required to be genuine, brave, and just in collecting, presenting, and writing about information.  In the ‘Minimize Harm’ section, they should be respectful of sources, subjects, and colleagues.  The ‘Act Independently’ section describes how journalists have the obligation to let it be known to the public certain information.  The final section, ‘Be Accountable’ explains how journalists have to be responsible for their actions.


If I were a professional journalist in this industry, I would agree with their code of ethics because it is reasonable.  All of the rules and standards listed in the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics are based on the research and study of the Society's members.  Everything that was mentioned in this code was already being done by present writers, editors, and other news professionals.  Their everyday responsibilities and tasks formed the code.   The code shows respect to one another and integrity of a professional journalist.  It is good for the industry to have standards for its members to follow.  The code can serve as the guideline on how the journalists fulfill their roles as professionals.  Conflict of interest is minimized.


     Other professional journalists would agree with this code because it explains what they do as a journalist and how they should present themselves.  The Code of Ethics is an agreement that as a professional journalist they will do their job properly.  There is not any absurd requirement that some journalists may become questionable of doing. It is easy to follow this code as long as the journalist follows the rules of goods ethics and right conduct


The segment that may not be suitable to other industries and only apply to professional journalists is the identification of sources whenever feasible.   Journalists are required to disclose sources of information to the public whenever possible.  They need to provide reliable sources of information.  If one is working in the military or security personnel of the government, the public is not entitled to as much information as possible.  Privacy is a must and disclosure of unnecessary information may jeopardize any case that is being handled.